4 Ways to Take Care of Dental Implants
A missing tooth can lead to many problems including self-consciousness, difficulty chewing, and difficulty talking. Having a dental implant can fix that. Maintaining your dental implant is important. When your dental implant is installed, the dentist in Athens, TX, can give you advice to help you take care of your dental implant. Below, we’ve listed four ways that you can take care of your dental implants.
1. Brush Your Teeth
Hopefully, you already brush your teeth every day. Continue to brush your teeth twice every day after your dental implant is installed. Use non-abrasive toothpaste to prevent your dental implant from becoming scratched. Using abrasive toothpaste can scratch your implant and cause stains to develop.
2. See the Dentist
See your dentist every six months for dental check-ups and exams. Seeing the dentist twice per year can help your dentist identify problems with your dental implant before they become serious. Seeing the dentist can also help you avoid problems like gum disease, which could put your dental implant at risk.
3. Don’t Use Your Teeth to Tear or Cut
Your dental implant should only be used for chewing food, not for tearing or cutting. If you often use your teeth to bite your nails or cut through packaging, now is the time to stop.
4. Don’t Whiten Your Teeth
Dental implants can’t be whitened. Whitening your dental implants will not turn the tooth whiter, and could lead your dental implant to become mismatched with your other teeth.
Do you have questions about dental implants in Athens, TX? Call today to make an appointment.